Mercy Corps’ donor pledge

Because you care enough to make a difference through your gift to Mercy Corps, we are dedicated to respecting you and your privacy. This is the pledge we make to you:

  • We will use your gift in the most efficient way possible. Over the last five years, Mercy Corps has used 86% of our resources for programs that help people in need.
  • We will offer various mailing options, so you can choose how often you hear from us.
  • We take your Internet privacy very seriously. We will remove your name from our mailing list, email list, or telephone solicitation list at any time, at your request. To do so, please email Alternatively, you may initiate a data subject request here.
  • We will post our Privacy Policy on our website.
  • We will honor your confidence in us by maintaining the highest standards in our fundraising and program operations. We are a member of InterAction, a coalition of America's most reputable international agencies, and we adhere to their financial and ethical standards.
  • We will publish a summary of our financial statement each year in our Annual Report. Our complete financial statement is available upon request at any time.